The first undergrad research open house took place on 4/21/22!

Thanks to the 9 EEMB lab groups that opened their doors & research to students curious about the research process.

Rough estimates put 150-200 students that visited the lab spaces of Briggs, Leanderegg, Moeller, Schimel, Oono, Burkepile, Caselle, Eliason & Hodges.

The event was spearheaded by Holly Moeller, Gabe Runte, and Raine Detmer.

April 25, 2022

Congrats to all the undergrads who rocked their presentations at the first EEMB Undergraduate Research Symposium!


September 29, 2020

Greta is really enjoying her cargo bike during the pandemic, but misses all her friends on campus.

August 15, 2020

Guinevere is a 9 year old queen (long may she reign).

July 6, 2020

EEMB graduate students have written a letter to our faculty demanding departmental actions to dismantle anti-Black racism.

July 1, 2020

Elizabeth flipped for Pancake's soulful eyes

June 1, 2020

Pet of the Month June for June

May 7, 2020

Schmidt Family Foundation research fellowship applications are due May 15th, 2020.